
9 Common Pool Problems and How to Fix Then

9 Common Pool Problems and How to Fix Then

Swimmers, we all love diving into crystal clear waters, but sometimes our swimming pool experiences a few hiccups along the way. Regular pool maintenance is crucial to ensure the health and longevity of our aquatic oasis. Neglecting proper care can lead to a host of common pool problems, from cloudy water to equipment malfunctions. But don’t worry, fellow pool owners! In this blog post, we’ll explore nine of the most common pool issues and provide you with practical solutions to fix them. So, be prepared to splash into a world of knowledge and get ready to become a pool problem-solving pro!

1. Cloudy Water

Cloudy water can put a damper on our swimming experience, but fear not! The culprits behind this issue could be poor filtration or imbalanced water chemistry. Maintaining proper water balance is crucial to prevent cloudiness. Here’s how you can fix cloudy water:

  • Regularly clean and maintain your filtration system to ensure optimal performance.
  • Perform a shock treatment to eliminate any organic contaminants.
  • Regularly test your water and adjust chemicals as needed to maintain proper water balance.

2. Algae Growth

Ah, the notorious green invaders: algae! These unwanted guests thrive in the presence of poor circulation, imbalanced water chemistry, and improper sanitation. To get rid of algae and prevent their return, follow these steps:

  • Brush the pool surfaces regularly to dislodge and remove any algae.
  • Perform a shock treatment to kill existing algae.
  • Implement regular algae control measures, such as using algaecides and maintaining proper water chemistry.

3. Green Pool

A green pool is often a byproduct of algae growth. It’s important to identify and address the underlying cause of the algae growth to prevent the pool from turning green again. Here’s how you can clear a green pool:

  • Test the water to determine the appropriate treatment.
  • Perform a shock treatment with a high dose of chlorine to kill algae.
  • Clean the filter to ensure proper filtration.
  • Maintain ongoing maintenance by regularly testing and adjusting chemical levels.

4. Low Water Level

Is your pool mysteriously losing water? There are a few common causes for low water levels such as evaporation, leaks, and pool usage. It’s essential to maintain appropriate water levels to ensure proper pool functioning and equipment protection. Consider the following tips to remedy low water levels:

  • Identify and fix any leaks in your pool or plumbing system.
  • Monitor evaporation levels and replenish water accordingly.
  • Maintain proper water level by using a water hose to fill the pool.

5. Clogged Filters

Clogged filters can wreak havoc on water clarity and circulation, but rest assured, we’ve got you covered! Excessive debris, poor filtration, or neglecting regular maintenance can cause filters to clog. Follow these steps to clean or replace your filters:

  • Backwash your sand or DE filter to remove trapped debris.
  • Clean your cartridge filter by soaking it in a filter cleaner solution and rinsing it thoroughly.
  • Maintain proper filter maintenance by regularly cleaning or replacing filters as recommended by the manufacturer.

6. High Chlorine Levels

While chlorine is essential for pool sanitation, too much of it can create problems. Overchlorination or improper water balance can lead to high chlorine levels, potentially causing skin and eye irritation. To reduce high chlorine levels, try the following steps:

  • Dilute the water by adding fresh water into the pool.
  • Test the water and adjust chemical levels as needed.
  • Consider alternative chlorination methods, such as using a saltwater system.

7. Green Hair or Discolored Hair

Have you ever experienced the horror of green or discolored hair after a swim? Copper or chlorine interaction can cause this unsightly predicament. To prevent and treat green or discolored hair, follow these tips:

  • Shower before swimming to remove any potential hair contaminants.
  • Use clarifying shampoos to remove mineral deposits from your hair.
  • Consider wearing a swim cap to protect your hair from chlorine.

8. Uneven Pool Temperature

Is one side of your pool significantly cooler than the other? Poor circulation or inadequate heating can cause uneven pool temperature, resulting in discomfort for swimmers. Here’s how you can maintain consistent pool temperature:

  • Ensure your pool’s heating system is functioning properly. If not, consider repairing or replacing it.
  • Properly insulate your pool to minimize heat loss.
  • Adjust your pool’s water return jets to improve circulation and temperature distribution.

9. Pool Equipment Malfunctions

Pool equipment malfunctions can throw a wrench in our pool enjoyment. Pump issues, heater problems, or faulty electrical components are just a few examples of common equipment failures. Regular equipment maintenance and inspections are crucial for preventing malfunctions. Try these troubleshooting methods for common equipment issues:

  • Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for troubleshooting specific equipment problems.
  • Perform regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning filters and checking for leaks.
  • Contact a pool professional for complex issues or if unsure about any troubleshooting steps.

10. Skin Irritation

Skin irritation is a common problem that pool owners may encounter. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as imbalanced water chemistry or exposure to excessive chlorine. Here are some tips to fix and prevent skin irritation:

  • Regularly test your water and adjust chemical levels to ensure proper water balance.
  • Consider using non-chlorine alternatives for pool sanitation, such as ozone or UV systems.
  • Shower before and after swimming to remove any potential irritants from your skin.
  • Apply a moisturizer or lotion to hydrate your skin after swimming.

11. Pool Stains

Stains can detract from the beauty of your pool and be difficult to remove. They can be caused by various factors, including mineral imbalances or the presence of organic contaminants. To remove and prevent pool stains, follow these steps:

  • Identify the type of stain and choose the appropriate stain removal method.
  • Consider using a stain remover product specifically designed for pool surfaces.
  • Regularly brush your pool surfaces to prevent the buildup of stains.
  • Maintain proper water chemistry to minimize the occurrence of stains.

12. Leaking Pool

A leaking pool can lead to water loss and potential damage to your property. Identifying and fixing the source of the leak is crucial to prevent further issues. Here’s how you can fix a leaking pool:

  • Perform a visual inspection to look for any visible signs of leaks, such as wet spots or cracks.
  • If you suspect a leak, perform a bucket test to determine the rate of water loss.
  • Consult a professional pool repair service to locate and fix the leak.
  • Maintain proper water level by regularly monitoring and replenishing water as needed.

13. Foam or Bubbles

Excessive foam or bubbles in your pool can be unsightly and indicate an underlying problem. Foam can be caused by various factors, including imbalanced water chemistry or the presence of pollutants. To reduce foam or bubbles in your pool, try the following steps:

  • Ensure proper filtration and circulation by cleaning and maintaining your filtration system.
  • Test your water and adjust chemical levels as needed to maintain proper water balance.
  • Use a pool defoamer product to reduce the foam and prevent it from returning.
  • Regularly clean your pool to remove any debris or pollutants that may contribute to foam.

14. Strong Chlorine Odor

While a faint chlorine odor is normal in pools, a strong chlorine smell can indicate a problem. It may be a sign of poor water circulation, imbalanced water chemistry, or excessive chlorine levels. To reduce chlorine odor in your pool, consider the following steps:

  1. Ensure proper circulation by running your pool pump for an appropriate amount of time.
  2. Regularly test your water and adjust chlorine levels as needed to maintain a proper balance.
  3. Consider using alternative chlorination methods, such as saltwater systems or mineral sanitizers.
  4. Maintain proper pH and alkalinity levels. A balanced pH helps chlorine work more effectively and reduces its odor.


In conclusion, swimmers, regular pool maintenance and prompt problem-solving are the keys to a clean and enjoyable swimming pool experience. By addressing common pool problems, such as cloudy water, algae growth, and equipment malfunctions, we can ensure our pools remain pristine. Remember to prioritize regular maintenance, perform routine checks, and don’t hesitate to contact professionals when needed. With your newfound knowledge, you can tackle any swimming pool issue that comes your way, making every dip a refreshing and worry-free adventure!


Published by John

Dive into the world of swimming pool care and you'll encounter John Simpson, a luminary with over two decades of hands-on South Florida pool management experience. From a childhood fascination with water to earning certifications in pool maintenance and water chemistry, John's journey has been defined by unwavering expertise. For over 20 years, he has fine-tuned the art of pool maintenance, troubleshooting issues, and setting elevated industry standards. As the founder of a popular swimming pool care and tips blog, John's articles not only educate but also empower pool owners of all levels, reflecting his dedication to sharing his profound knowledge. Beyond the virtual realm, his workshops and seminars cement his legacy of transforming pool care into an accessible art form, ensuring that his influence ripples through South Florida's pool community, leaving pools crystal-clear and owners well-informed.

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